Every aspect of Western culture needs a new code of ethics - a rational ethics - as a precondition of rebirth. - Ayn Rand
My job is to notice echoes and notice resonances. Scientists are not supposed to do the same thing that cultural critics do. - Naomi Wolf
From 1970 onwards, our culture told both sexes that individual expression was paramount. And for women, that was defined as the right to choose an interesting a career, a high-status mate, the desirable handbag or vacation, the perfect family size, and a definitionally fruitless quest for 'perfection.' - Naomi Wolf
Culture stereotypes women to fit the myth by flattening the feminine into beauty-without-intelligence or intelligence-without-beauty; women are allowed a mind or a body but not both. - Naomi Wolf
To live in a culture in which women are routinely naked where men aren't is to learn inequality in little ways all day long. So even if we agree that sexual imagery is in fact a language, it is clearly one that is already heavily edited to protect men's sexual--and hence social--confidence while undermining that of women. - Naomi Wolf
By education I am an Englishman, by views an internationalist, by culture a Muslim & a Hindu only by accident of birth.
Armed with the knowledge of our past, we can with confidence charter a course for our future. Culture is an indispensable weapon in the freedom struggle. We must take hold of it and forge the future with the past.
Even if you're not Christian, just from being in our culture you know Jesus and resurrection and redemption.
One feels so despairing on some levels about what's going on in our culture, in regards to things like gender inequality. But there is progress. There is enhanced empathy and respect for others, we are fighting the tide, even though it seems like a tug of war sometimes. - Uma Thurman
I didn't realize how interesting the place I come from is until I left home and saw how other cultures handled things differently. - Brad Pitt
Cultural speciation had been crippling to human moral and spiritual growth. It had hindered freedom of thought, limited our thinking, imprisoned us in the cultures into which we had been born. - Jane Goodall
Cinema reflects culture and there is no harm in adapting technology, but not at the cost of losing your originality. - Jackie Chan
Piety is not a goal but a means to attain through the purest peace of mind the highest culture. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Hatred is something peculiar. You will always find it strongest and most violent where there is the lowest degree of culture. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him. - John F. Kennedy
The stronger a culture, the less it fears the radical fringe. The more paranoid and precarious a culture, the less tolerance it offers. - Joel Salatin
I see myself today as Sitting Bull trying to bring a voice of Easternism, holism, community-based thinking to a very Western culture. - Joel Salatin