It is important to fight and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then can evil be kept at bay though never quite eradicated.
Ask the guys who are doing serious triathlons if there are any limits to what can be done. The limit is right here. You've got to get physically fit between the ears. Muscles don't know anything. They have to be taught. - Jack LaLanne
It's difficult to change overnight but if you are persistent and take one step at a time you will see results! - Jack LaLanne
People thought I was a charlatan and a nut. The doctors were against me -- they said that working out with weights would give people heart attacks and they would lose their sex drive. - Jack LaLanne
If you can't afford a half hour three or four times a week taking care of the most priceless possession, your body, you've got to be sick. You're stupid. - Jack LaLanne
Sometimes people - especially people over 40 - underestimate what they really are capable of. They believe they're not capable of doing something great. I tell people who are over 40, "I don't want your best. I want better than that. I want better than what you perceive your best is. - Jack LaLanne
One that desires to excel should endeavor in those things that are in themselves most excellent. - Epictetus
So you wish to conquer in the Olympic games, my friend? And I too, by the Gods, and a fine thing it would be! But first mark the conditions and the consequences, and then set to work. You will have to put yourself under discipline; to eat by rule, to avoid cakes and sweetmeats; to take exercise at the appointed hour whether you like it or no, in cold and heat; to abstain from cold drinks and from wine at your will; in a word, to give yourself over to the trainer as to a physician. Then in the conflict itself you are likely enough to dislocate your wrist or twist your ankle, to swallow a great deal of dust, or to be severely thrashed, and, after all these things, to be defeated. - Epictetus
Well, I've been happily supporting myself for ten years now on the hustle and trade of live entertainment. I guess my breakthrough moment was when I decided to go for it once and for all. - Jason Mraz
Begin thus from the first act, and proceed; and, in conclusion, at the ill which thou hast done, be troubled, and rejoice for the good.
I'm a pretty driven person, and I've accepted that about myself. For a long time, I was like, 'I'm a very laid-back person, I grew up in the country,' but I'm also very driven, otherwise I wouldn't be where I am right now. - Miranda Kerr
You have to focus on what you're passionate about. For me it's the forests and of course, because I'm concerned about the forests, I'm concerned about the way paper is made. - Woody Harrelson