She was convinced that she could have been happy with him, when it was no longer likely they should meet.
I believe in the supreme worth of the individual and in his right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The road to happiness lies in two simple principles; find what it is that interests you and that you can do well, and when you find it put your whole soul into it every bit of energy and ambition and natural ability you have.
Being happy is the cornerstone of all that you are! Nothing is more important than that you feel good! And you have absolute and utter control about that because you can choose the thought that makes you worry or the thought that makes you happy; the things that thrill you, or the things that worry you. You have the choice in every moment. - Esther Hicks
I'm going to be happy. I'm going to skip. I'm going to be glad. I'm going to be easy. I'm going to count my blessings. I'm going to look for reasons to feel good. I'm going to dig up positive things from the past. I'm going to look for positive things where I stand. I'm going to look for positive things in the future. It is my natural state to be a happy person. It's natural for me to love and to laugh. This is what is most natural for me. I am a happy person. - Esther Hicks
Tell everyone you know: "My happiness depends on me, so you're off the hook." And then demonstrate it. Be happy, no matter what they're doing. Practice feeling good, no matter what. And before you know it, you will not give anyone else responsibility for the way you feel-and then, you'll love them all. Because the only reason you don't love them, is because you're using them as your excuse to not feel good. - Esther Hicks
The certain pathway to all things that you want is through the corridor of joy. Most of you say, 'When I get that I will be joyful.' And we say, until you are joyful, you will not get that. You must start with the decision-with the determination-with the insistence that, 'I will not settle for less than feeling good.' - Esther Hicks
The standard of success in life isn't the things. It isn't the money or the stuff. It is absolutely the amount of joy that you feel. - Esther Hicks
You cannot struggle to joy. Struggle and joy are not on the same channel. You joy your way to joy. You laugh your way to success. It is through your joy that good things come. - Esther Hicks
You're always on your way somewhere. The key is: find a way to be happy wherever you now are on your way to where you really want to be. (We're speaking of the state of being you want.) It does not matter where you are; where you are is shifting constantly - but you must turn your attention to where you want to go. And that's the difference between making the best of something and making the worst of something. - Esther Hicks
The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not.
We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it.
Charlie Brown says that we're put here on earth to make others happy." "Is that why we're here? I guess I'd better start doing a better job... I'd hate to be shipped back!
Happiness is waking up, looking at the clock and finding that you still have two hours left to sleep.