In many ways, I think I'm stuck in the past. But it's a past where game worlds were creative and magical... a celebration of that special, overwhelming feeling of wonder that we experience as children. - Eric Barone
It does help if you can absolutely convince yourself that you're destined for greatness. It's not even an ego thing--it's just a way to prevent doubt and insecurity from hindering you. - Eric Barone
I know that to make a great game you can't just create 'art'... the game needs to be fun. - Eric Barone
I used psychological tools to fool myself into having the confidence I needed to succeed. - Eric Barone
How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also If I am to be whole. - Carl Jung
Whatever it is that inspires you, find that love, nurture it, make it happen. Bring people in that vision with you and know exactly what you want. Make the goals as clear as day, step by step lay them out and just take it one step at a time. - Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram
When you visualize something, this is the thing you are going to bring into your life, if the visualization is strong enough. - Earl Shoaff
Look into your own heart and then look into the heart of another. Because when you look deeply enough into the heart of another, what you will find is yourself. - Max Igan
It's about you, giving yourself permission to be who you are, without giving a rip about what anybody else is thinking about it. - Esther Hicks
I believe God is managing affairs and that He doesn't need any advice from me. With God in charge, I believe everything will work out for the best in the end. So what is there to worry about. - Henry Ford
Embrace and love your body, it is the most amazing thing you will ever own. - Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram
Life is precious. Love yourself enough to take care of your health. Exercise. Eat well. Make time for self-care. Treat your body right because it is the only one you have. When you have no health, you have no life. - Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram
It is just eating in abundance, eating as many colors as you can, eating food that are good for you, not limiting your calories or restricting yourself. - Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram
I always tell people you can't expect to be a prophet in your own home and I'm definitely an example of that. It's taken a lot of patience for me to be able to share this message with my family, but I'll say this, it's changed my life and the relationship with my entire family. - Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram