If you want to have a better performance than the crowd, you must do things differently from the crowd. - John Templeton
It is impossible to produce superior performance unless you do something very different. - John Templeton
Living life with a smile is like throwing yeast into a bowl of flour, adding warm water and waiting for the flour to rise. It multiplies may times over. - John Templeton
My ethical principal in the first place was – where could I use my talents that God gave me to help the most people? - John Templeton
Surprising and interesting things happen to those who keep their eyes and their minds open and alert! - John Templeton
Tell your readers to use it or lose it. If you don’t use your muscles, they get weak. If you don’t use your mind it begins to fail. - John Templeton
The main focus in my life now is to open people’s minds so no one will be so conceited that they think they have the total truth. They should be eager to learn, to listen, to research and not to confine, to hurt, to kill, those who disagree with them. - John Templeton
The other boys at Yale came from wealthy families, and none of them were investing outside the United States, and I thought, ‘That is very egotistical. Why be so shortsighted or near-sighted as to focus only on America? Shouldn’t you be more open-minded?’ - John Templeton
Three of my children are medical doctors; they know at least a hundred times as much about your body as my grandfather knew, but they don’t know much more about soul than he did. - John Templeton
True peace is a quality you carry within yourself, regardless of external circumstances. - John Templeton
While there are many problems, if one focuses on the bigger picture there are numerous reasons to be thankful for living in a time of remarkable progress and wonderful possibilities for the future. - John Templeton
As a kid, I certainly never thought I would get to spend my life doing something fun. - Weird Al Yankovic
As much as people are griping about the Internet taking sales away from artists, it's been a huge promotional tool for me. - Weird Al Yankovic
As my father used to tell me, the only true sign of success in life is being able to do for a living that which makes you happy. - Weird Al Yankovic
How can you get bored if the audience is cheering and laughing at something you're doing? - Weird Al Yankovic
I can't say enough good things about my band. I feel very fortunate that I found them when I did, very early in my career. Not only are they just great, nice guys; they're some of the best musicians you're likely to find. They do everything from gangsta rap to polka music and every genre in between. It's amazing. - Weird Al Yankovic
I cut my teeth playing rock songs on the accordion when I was a teenager and my friends always thought that was extremely amusing. I think that was the genesis of my polka medleys, because every rock song I played on the accordion just sounded like a polka and my friends thought it was funny. So that was a joke that I continue up to this very day. - Weird Al Yankovic
I did have a child, and I was reading a lot of picture books to her, but at the same time writing a children's book was something that I'd been wanting to do for many years, pretty much since the start of my career. - Weird Al Yankovic
I do original songs in the style of other artists, where I try to learn all their musical idiosyncrasies and try to do something that sounds like them and yet is a bit more sick and twisted. - Weird Al Yankovic
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