I'm not an Adonis, that's for damn sure. I've never really thought of myself that way, and it doesn't matter to me. My favorite actors aren't Adonises. Dustin Hoffman is a flawed-looking man; he's amazing to me. Tom Hanks is flawed-looking; people love him. Same with Gene Hackman. - Shia LaBeouf
My neighborhood was rough, but I live a great life now. I don't fight that much now. I don't look for it anyway, but if someone hits your mother, whether you're a star, an accountant, or an astronaut or anything... I mean it's your mother, so I lost my mind. - Shia LaBeouf
No, I was an unknown when I walked in that room. He didn't know who I was from a fly on the wall. - Shia LaBeouf
Now my dad is with me, traveling with me and a big part of this whole thing is I like to mix it up a little bit, you know. Who gets to take their father on a private jet across the country and stay in first class hotels? So we're enjoying it, but I'd stop if it's not possible. - Shia LaBeouf
People were going to geometry class and I was swimming through vats of chili on 'Even Stevens.' It was like a dream! - Shia LaBeouf
So it's kind of nervous to be in this situation, but at the same time you look at all those actors and the work that they've done, I've been in bigger films than all of them and still kept my integrity and still kept my respect. - Shia LaBeouf
We did this two-week boot camp before we filmed the movie. I got to know everybody in the group and we became friends. We got really tight throughout those two weeks. - Shia LaBeouf
When people ask me about my story, I just go through the positive stuff: the tent-pole moments, the big landmark checkpoints. - Shia LaBeouf
When you're working with the best of the best, I'm not gonna put that on hold so I can work with people who studied the best of the best. - Shia LaBeouf
You can't buy back your respect; you can't buy back your career. You only get one, so I don't want to mess that up. - Shia LaBeouf
Besides increasing energy and enhancing the immune system, laughter diminishes pain, improves focus, reignites hope, restores connections, enhances relationships, relieves tension, relaxes muscles, optimizes hormonal balance and reduces the effects of stress. - Dr Rashid A Buttar
I've never done anything standard in my life, so it's always exceeding what is expected. - Dr Rashid A Buttar
One of our slogans is "This isn't Burger King, we don't do it your way, we do it the right way! - Dr Rashid A Buttar
Remember that your obligation is to protect those and serve those that can't protect themselves. Not to be tyrants against those people that can't protect themselves. - Dr Rashid A Buttar
All my workouts revolve around the big 3 (squat, bench, and deadlifts) followed by exercises to make me pretty following the big three. This in my view capitalizes on the benefits of both forms of training. - Greg Doucette
As an amateur, it was easy as I competed in a weight class which limited having to go up against bigger guys. - Greg Doucette
Bench by far has always been my favorite (probably because it has always been my best lift). - Greg Doucette
By talking with other athletes I was able to gain the knowledge necessary to maximize the assistance of the suits. - Greg Doucette
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