There are short parts that I as an actor am very right for. Or I just like the part. Or you need someone like me for the movie. By that I don't mean at the box office, I mean in the execution of the material. - Jack Nicholson
Time keeps no measure when true friends are parted, No record day by day; the sands move not for those who, loyal-hearted, friendship's firm laws obey. - Jack Nicholson
When I am cast in a movie where I feel that the woman's part is more interesting, I usually start thinking about Spencer Tracy and Fred Astaire. They seem to be the most clear actors when working with women. - Jack Nicholson
When I come up against a director who has a concept that I don't agree with, or maybe I just haven't thought of it or whatever, I'd be more prone to go with them than my own because I want to be out of control as an actor, I want them to have the control, otherwise it's going to become predictably my work, and that's not fun. - Jack Nicholson
All movies on some level can aspire to be more than just whatever the label is of the movie. - Nicolas Cage
I am not a demon. I am a lizard, a shark, a heat-seeking panther. I want to be Bob Denver on acid playing the accordion. - Nicolas Cage
I do enjoy animated movies. I really love anime and movies like 'Spirited Away' and 'Howl's Moving Castle.' - Nicolas Cage
I do like characters that have flaws, some sort of pathos to them that they are trying to sort out. - Nicolas Cage
I don't want a perfect character, I want a character who has, as strange as it sounds, some humanity, some flaws, some needs. - Nicolas Cage
I don't want to just do independent movies and I don't want to just do adventure films. I enjoy both, and I think both are cogent. - Nicolas Cage
I don't want to sit around by the pool luxuriating with a margarita. That's just not what I want to do. - Nicolas Cage
I find children inspiring. The way they look at the world. The magical world they live in, to me, is inspiring. - Nicolas Cage
I generally enjoy the rehearsal process because that's where you can share your ideas, get your thoughts and feelings out and see whether or not they're going to land, whether or not people are going to agree with them, particularly the director. So you can sort out in that process any elements that need to be sorted out before you're on the set, and of course that saves time and it also makes everyone more comfortable working together. - Nicolas Cage
I happen to still like really dark, dramatic, fractured characters. They're the reason I got into movies. - Nicolas Cage
I like to work with young people because young people haven't had their dreams kicked out of them yet. They're full of confidence and imagination and vision and when they score, that all get's empowered. - Nicolas Cage
I love all animals. I have a fascination with fish, birds, whales - sentient life - insects, reptiles. - Nicolas Cage
I see myself as a student. I would never call myself a master or a maestro. If you take the path of the student, that means that you have to try a little bit of everything in the hopes that you're going to learn something or strike some kind of new note or new sound or new expression in the process. I'm not going for grades. I'm going for an education. That means I'm going to continue experimenting and trying new things to try to evolve and learn. - Nicolas Cage
I think anything that opens my mind and triggers my imagination I'm reading. I like to read science fiction and imagine the character. Anything that keeps my imagination flowing. - Nicolas Cage
I think it's no secret that I've tried to take chances in my career and also in my life, and I believe to not live in fear. - Nicolas Cage
I think I've become more relaxed throughout my career. I don't feel the need to jump up and down and make a big noise to get people to pay attention to me. I don't need to do punk rock gestures or eat a cockroach or do something weird to say I exist. - Nicolas Cage
I think that the best characters are the ones who both manage to be attractive and repulsive at the same time. - Nicolas Cage
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