Leaders spend 5% of their time on the problem and 95% of their time on the solution. Get over it and crush it! - Tony Robbins
Leadership means that a group, large or small, is willing to entrust authority to a person who has shown judgment, wisdom, personal appeal, and proven competence.
If you put good people in bad systems you get bad results. You have to water the flowers you want to grow. - Stephen Covey
You must force yourself to consider opposing arguments. Especially when they challenge your best loved ideas. - Charlie Munger
A nation which has forgotten the quality of courage which in the past has been brought to public life is not as likely to insist upon or regard that quality in its chosen leaders today - and in fact we have forgotten. - John F. Kennedy
It is time for a new generation of leadership, to cope with new problems and new opportunities. For there is a new world to be won. - John F. Kennedy
A strong leader accepts blame and gives the credit. A weak leader gives blame and accepts the credit. - John Wooden
An emperor knows how to govern when poets are free to make verses, people to act plays, historians to tell the truth, ministers to give advice, the poor to grumble at taxes, students to learn lessons aloud, workmen to praise their skill and seek work, people to speak of anything, and old men to find fault with everything. - Will Durant
Let whoever is in charge keep this simple question in her head (not, how can I always do this right thing myself, but) how can I provide for this right thing to be always done?
We herd sheep, we drive cattle, we lead people. Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way. - George S Patton
An executive cannot gradually dismiss details. Business is made up of details and I notice that the chief executive who dismisses them is quite likely to dismiss his business. - Harvey S. Firestone