Someday, man will harness the rise and fall of the tides, imprison the power of the sun, and release atomic power. - Thomas Edison
The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will instruct his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. They may even discover the germ of old age. - Thomas Edison
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. - Stephen Covey
The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities. - Stephen Covey
In the space between stimulus (what happens) and how we respond, lies our freedom to choose. Ultimately, this power to choose is what defines us as human beings. We may have limited choices but we can always choose. We can choose our thoughts, emotions, moods, our words, our actions; we can choose our values and live by principles. It is the choice of acting or being acted upon. - Stephen Covey
Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important. - Stephen Covey
We often get so busy "sawing" (producing results) that we forget to "sharpen our saw" (maintain or increase our capacity to produce results in the future). - Stephen Covey
Be a light, not a judge, be a model not a critic. Little by little, your circle of influence will explode and you will avoid the emotional metastasizing cancers of complaining, criticizing, competing, comparing and cynicism, all which reflect victimization, all of which are the opposite of being proactive. - Stephen Covey
The ability to subordinate an impulse to a value is the essence of the proactive person. Reactive people are driven by feelings, by circumstances, by conditions, by their environment. Proactive people are driven by values - carefully thought about, selected and internalized values. - Stephen Covey
Principles don't die. They aren't here one day and gone the next. They can't be destroyed by fire, earthquake or theft. Principles are deep, fundamental truths, classic truths. - Stephen Covey
Improve relationships with others by assuming that they can hear everything you say about them. - Stephen Covey
It doesn't really matter how fast you're going if you're heading in the wrong direction. - Stephen Covey
When you really listen to another person from their point of view, and reflect back to them that understanding, it's like giving them emotional oxygen. - Stephen Covey
The problems in life come when we're sowing one thing and expecting to reap something entirely different. - Stephen Covey
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