If you've gotten flu shots during the past ten years, you will test positive for the Wuhan strain of the Covid-19 flu. - Dr Rashid A Buttar
By the time I was 14 I was winning bench press contests in local meets against adults and was encouraged to keep training. - Greg Doucette
For my last 2 meets I deadlifted less often and took more time to recover and be fresh for the meet and it really paid off. - Greg Doucette
I 1st started lifting weights when I was 10 years old with my father and twin in the basement. I immediately was addicted and have not stopped since. - Greg Doucette
I hate the thought of being fat in the offseason but that really is the only way I can increase my total past the 900kg barrier. - Greg Doucette
I just try to get a little more size in all areas as the only reason I don’t win pro shows is because of a lack of size. - Greg Doucette
I would like to thank my sponsor PVL for believing in me and doing everything they can to help me and for providing me with the best supplements on the planet. - Greg Doucette
Personally I wish the suits had never been invented but since they are I had better learn to use them or else I will be at a serious disadvantage. - Greg Doucette
Powerlifting has no ill effect on me outside the gym. It simply is a lifestyle that I enjoy and am very passionate about. - Greg Doucette
Therefore I have incorporated my own power bodybuilding workouts in order to excel as both a bodybuilder and powerlifter. - Greg Doucette
This is a loaded question because I just happen to be one of those guys who wants to look pretty yet still have power. - Greg Doucette
Because I don't produce insulin, I have to put insulin into my body, which means that I have a pen with a needle on it. I have it with me. You have to stick it in your thigh, or your arm - a lot of different spots you can put it. - Jay Cutler
My first Olympia in 1999 I placed 15th out of 16 and I almost quit after that show. I actually questioned myself the only time ever in my career. - Jay Cutler
A day in the life of Ronnie Coleman mainly consists of eating, training or sleeping. - Ronnie Coleman
As my athletic career was coming to an end in 2007, I asked myself, do I want to work for somebody, or go out and make a difference? - Ronnie Coleman
Because the Arnold Classic is such a big show, a guy who hasn't been getting a lot of recognition all of a sudden does that show and arrives in good condition and is able to take out some of the top guys, it then puts him up there in the running for the Olympia title. So he can get more recognition that way. - Ronnie Coleman
Even at the age of 12, I knew I had to become a bodybuilder. I don't know why or how, but I just knew. - Ronnie Coleman
I don't know how well-known it is, but I had back surgery in '07, and it took about two years to recover. - Ronnie Coleman
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