Like many people, I think I'm my own worst critic. And I think I take a lot out in an internally abusive way, looking at how I measure up, which usually was never enough. I never, never was as good as someone else. - Demi Moore
Marriage was a goal. A family, for me as a young girl, was my image of what I hoped for. It was part of the big picture. - Demi Moore
Models, even male models - how small they've gotten! It looks great for the clothes, but it's not what you want in real life. - Demi Moore
Some of my lowest points were the most exciting opportunities to push through to be a better person. - Demi Moore
Talk about meeting your soul mate ... I truly feel I have been given that gift. And believe me, I wasn't some lightweight package. I'm, like, the package that didn't just come with luggage - I had trunks. - Demi Moore
The things two people do to each other they remember. If they stay together, it's not because they forget; it's because they forgive. - Demi Moore
Unwillingness to risk failure is always there, but it gets harder when you feel you have more to lose. - Demi Moore
When I'm at the greatest odds with my body, it's usually because I feel my body's betraying me, whether that's been in the past, struggling with my weight and feeling that I couldn't eat what I wanted to eat, or that I couldn't get my body to do what I wanted it to do. - Demi Moore
You have to acknowledge a problem exists before you can actually go about finding a solution. - Demi Moore
Early on, if I was alone two three nights in a row, I'd start writing poems about suicide. - Jack Nicholson
I always knew there wasn't going to be anybody to help me and emotionally support me, that whatever I did I'd have to do on my own. - Jack Nicholson
I worry from the moment I take a job. I worry about how I'm going to do it, if I can do it... Then I walk on set and the director says, 'Roll', and all of a sudden, all of it disappears and it's all happening, and I relax, and I'm doing what I do, and I'm not even thinking about it. - Jack Nicholson
I would never complain about my life, even though I really would like to have a mate. - Jack Nicholson
If I go into a restaurant there's a very good chance that I'm going to spend my time being the mayor. If I want to have a good time, I'm happier having dinner here. - Jack Nicholson
If men are honest, everything they do and everywhere they go is for a chance to see women. - Jack Nicholson
I'll tell you one thing: Don't ever give anybody your best advice, because they're not going to follow it. - Jack Nicholson
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