I don't believe in personal immortality; the only way I expect to have some version of such a thing is through my books. - Isaac Asimov
No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be. - Isaac Asimov
Uncertainty that comes from knowledge (knowing what you don't know) is different from uncertainty coming from ignorance. - Isaac Asimov
Working ten hour days allows you to fall behind twice as fast as you could working five hour days. - Isaac Asimov
You don't need to predict the future. Just choose a future -- a good future, a useful future -- and make the kind of prediction that will alter human emotions and reactions in such a way that the future you predicted will be brought about. Better to make a good future than predict a bad one. - Isaac Asimov
In my life there have been several individuals whose presence made it easier for me to think, pleasanter to make my responses. - Isaac Asimov
The closer to the truth, the better the lie, and the truth itself, when it can be used, is the best lie. - Isaac Asimov
Love life seems to be that factor which requires the largest quantity of magical tinkering. - Isaac Asimov
I wish that I could say I was optimistic about the human race. I love us all, but we are so stupid and shortsighted that I wonder if we can lift our eyes to the world about us long enough not to commit suicide. - Isaac Asimov
If we only obey those rules that we think are just and reasonable, then no rule will stand, for there is no rule that some will not think is unjust and unreasonable. - Isaac Asimov
It's humbling to think that all animals, including human beings, are parasites of the plant world. - Isaac Asimov
The seed of a tree has the nature of a branch or twig or bud. It is a part of the tree, but if separated and set in the earth to be better nourished, the embryo or young tree contained in it takes root and grows into a new tree.
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