Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try! - Dr. Seuss
The greatest discovery of any generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering the attitudes of their minds. - Albert Schweitzer
True philosophy must start from the most immediate and comprehensive fact of consciousness: 'I am life that wants to live, in the midst of life that wants to live. - Albert Schweitzer
The thoughts of a prisoner - they're not free either. They keep returning to the same things. - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Context and memory play powerful roles in all the truly great meals in one's life. - Anthony Bourdain
I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best both for the body and the mind.
My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.
There comes a time when the mind takes a higher plane of knowledge but can never prove how it got there.
The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large. - Confucius
The soft-minded man always fears change. He feels security in the status quo, and he has an almost morbid fear of the new. For him, the greatest pain is the pain of a new idea. - Martin Luther King Jr
You will change your mind; You will change your looks; You will change your smile, laugh, and ways but no matter what you change, you will always be you. - Martin Luther King Jr
And men ought to know that from nothing else but thence [from the brain] come joys, delights, laughter and sports, and sorrows, griefs, despondency, and lamentations. And by this, in an especial manner, we acquire wisdom and knowledge, and see and hear, and know what are foul and hat are fair, what are bad and what are good, what are sweet, and what unsavory... And by the same organ we become mad and delirious, and fears and terrors assail us... All these things we endure from the brain, when it is not healthy... In these ways I am of the opinion that the brain exercises the greatest power in the man. This is the interpreter to us of those things which emanate from the air, when it [the brain] happens to be in a sound state. - Hippocrates
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