It is just eating in abundance, eating as many colors as you can, eating food that are good for you, not limiting your calories or restricting yourself. - Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram
The reason why raw foods are much more healing is because they vibrate at a higher frequency for your body and they are more nutrient dense. - Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram
We know today about nutrition and we know about exercise. There's no reason for anybody to be sick and tired, fat and out of shape -- it's ridiculous! This has got to be taught in the schools. It's got to be taught in kindergarten. That's when kids should first get the idea that the most important thing in your life is your health and your body. - Jack LaLanne
Do you know how many calories are in butter and cheese and ice cream? Would you get your dog up in the morning for a cup of coffee and a donut? - Jack LaLanne
Drinking freshly made juices and eating enough whole foods to provide adequate fiber is a sensible approach to a healthful diet. - Jay Kordich
You should not assume that your doctor has any more knowledge about food and its relation to health than your neighbors and coworkers.
So, what is my prescription for good health? In short, it is about the multiple health benefits of consuming plant-based foods, and the largely unappreciated health dangers of consuming animal-based foods, including all types of meat, dairy and eggs.
The solution to losing weight is a whole foods, plant-based diet, coupled with a reasonable amount of exercise. It is a long-term lifestyle change, rather than a quick-fix fad, and it can provide sustained weight loss while minimizing risk of chronic disease.
These studies showed that people who migrated from one area to another and who started eating the typical diet of their new residency assumed the disease risk of the area to which they moved.
I know of nothing else in medicine that can come close to what a plant-based diet can do. In theory, if everyone were to adopt this, I really believe we can cut health care costs by seventy to eighty percent. That's amazing. And it all comes from understanding nutrition, applying nutrition, and just watching the results.
I drink protein shakes nonstop - three or four a day - and I run a lot, so you get rid of the bad carbs and keep the rest so you have the energy to make it through. - Shia LaBeouf
You eat as many vegetables as you can, and try to cut your carbs and your sugar. That's going to make the job of being a diabetic so much easier. - Jay Cutler