Your purpose is to make your audience see what you saw, hear what you heard, feel what you felt. Relevant detail, couched in concrete, colorful language, is the best way to recreate the incident as it happened and to picture it for the audience. - Dale Carnegie
If you look at people today around the world who have no disease and no illness, there are virtually no common denominators. You can't look to a person's genetic disposition. - Kevin Trudeau
A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker. - Buddha
I met many people and I learned the value of interacting with different ethnics groups and nationalities. - Dr. Sebi
Look at the means which a man employs, consider his motives, observe his pleasures. A man simply cannot conceal himself! - Confucius
I don't understand why people would want to get rid of pigeons. They don't bother no one. - Mike Tyson
Never, and I mean never, allow anyone else's ideas of who you can or can't become sully your dream or pollute your imagination. This is your territory, and a 'Keep Out' sign is a great thing to erect at all entrances to your imagination.
Run for your life from any man who tells you that money is evil. That sentence is the leper's bell of an approaching looter. - Ayn Rand
The people who buy our games have the power to shape the industry by choosing where to spend their money. - Eric Barone
A dollar vigilante is a free market individual who protests the government monopoly and financial policies, such as fractional reserve banking and unbacked fiat currencies, by selling those same fiat currencies in favor of other assets, including gold and precious metals. - Jeff Berwick
If a frog is placed into a pot of boiling water it will immediately try to jump out; but if it is placed into a pot of cool water that is gradually heated until boiling, it will stay put and never try to jump out. - Jeff Berwick
Increase your effectiveness and earn the confidence and trust of others by keeping your agreements. - Charles J. Givens
The loyalty and trust of other people generate the cooperation necessary for achieving your dreams and goals. - Charles J. Givens
It’s self-centered to think that human beings, as limited as we are, can describe divinity. - John Templeton
Most indigenous cultures still think with their whole brain. They still view reality from both a left and a right brain perspective. Whereas most Westernized people, people that exist within modern society, due to walking on flat ground and due to having square corners everywhere, and this completely unnatural environment that they live in, and through the constant sensory bombardment that the left brain gets, people are not even aware that they are only using half their brain. They're not even aware that a right brain perspective of reality even exists. - Max Igan
We are capable of so much. Everybody has that spark of creativity and that urge to do something wonderful within them. It's in everybody. - Max Igan
People will love you. People will hate you. And none of it will have anything to do with you. - Esther Hicks
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