Being noticed can be a burden. Jesus got himself crucified because he got himself noticed. So I disappear a lot.
Some times I think this whole world Is one big prison yard Some of us are prisoners The rest of us are guards.
Be wary of keyboard warriors who engage in disputes on matters in which they have no right to speak about due to their lack of knowledge. Yet, they will openly and recklessly make online comments and verdicts on matters even the learned are cautious about.
Everyone wants to succeed in life but only a few will be truly happy for your success. The truth is, people will generally only support your goals and dreams until you make it and end up doing more than them. Sadly, they want to see you do good, but never better than them!
Family interference is one of the reasons why marriages fail. When spouses share personal or internal problems with family members, be prepared for trouble. Problems get distorted. Problems become larger than life. Try and settle your disputes without taking them to others.
If people display bad character towards us, it should not make us drop our good character as a result.
Insulting others is never a way of correcting them. Instead it causes more damage and proves that we need help ourselves.
Jumping to conclusions is one of the most common forms of negative thinking. You usually jump to a negative conclusion without any justifiable facts of the situation. As a result, you become negative, depressed, anxious, sad or angry. Put a stop to it. Change your mindset!
Many of us are stressed because we are in a hurry. We have this mental schedule which must be achieved by a certain time; get a degree, a good job, get married, have kids. We get upset when the schedule is out of sync. Trust that what He has decreed for you will be yours!
Many people make the mistake thinking that a confident person is the one who is better than everyone else. That is far from the truth. Confidence isn't strutting into a room thinking you're better than everyone else; it's walking in not having to compare yourself to anyone.
Take a break from social media periodically. Reconnect with the real world. Plug in to real people and places around you. Find time to actually see someone in person instead of sending them a message online. Connections with family and friends are more meaningful face to face!
The evil eye is real and should not be taken lightly. Most people are negligent in protecting themselves and do not worry about showing off their blessings; posting every detail of their life on social media. Know that not everyone who sees your story will be happy for you!
The truth is nobody is born a racist. You have to be taught. Are we dealing with racism, bigotry and prejudice in our own lives so that we can be examples to our children and those under our charge? Do we reject someone only because of his skin colour? Time for reflection!
Today, bullying no longer occurs only in schools. Social media has provided another way for bullies who seek to demean others. Home is no longer safe for victims of bullying; a Facebook status can hurt just as much, if not more, than hearing the typed words spoken out loud!
What goes around comes around. Whatever you give, comes back to you. What you sow, you reap. Give kindness, compassion, joy, encouragement, motivation and it will find its way back to you somehow, someday. Do you get the drift? So why would anyone want to spread negativity?
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