Morally, the life of the organization must be of exemplary nature. This is one phase where the organization must not have criticism.
To be successful, a man must exert an effective influence upon his brothers and upon his associates, and the degree in which he accomplishes this depends on the personality of the man. The incandescence of which he is capable. The flame of fire that burns inside of him. The magnetism which draws the heart of other men to him.
I think that from the time you start playing sports as a child you see that your responsibility to your team is to play the best that you can play as an individual... and yet, not take anything away from being part of a team. - Wayne Gretzky
I want to be on a successful team, and I know that paying one or two or three players premium hurts your chances of being able to bring in extra talent. - Jay Cutler
You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.
The important thing is that your teammates have to know you're pulling for them and you really want them to be successful. - Kobe Bryant
You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world, but it requires people to make the dream a reality.
I'd still say that visiting the stores and listening to our folks was one of the most valuable uses of my time as an executive. But really, our best ideas usually do come from the folks in the stores. Period. - Sam Walton
If you put good people in bad systems you get bad results. You have to water the flowers you want to grow. - Stephen Covey
A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better. - Jim Rohn
Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory. - George S Patton
You will find men who want to be carried on the shoulders of others, who think that the world owes them a living. They don't seem to see that we must all lift together and pull together. - Henry Ford
Teamwork appears most effective if each individual helps others to succeed, increasing the synergy of that team; ideally, every person will contribute different skills to increase the efficiency of the team and develop its unity. - Andrew Carnegie
Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. - Andrew Carnegie