Get proper training right from the beginning. It prevents injuries and avoids wasting your time with misdirected effort, which is what most people generally don't understand. Give it your all from day one. - Ronnie Coleman
Hard work and training. There's no secret formula. I lift heavy, work hard and aim to be the best. - Ronnie Coleman
You have to train the best way that is suited to you, a way that will allow you to progress. - Ronnie Coleman
Training has always been a hobby, and my whole life has revolved around training. It's something I truly love doing. I wanna do what I wanna do and this is something I wrestled with, because I have to make many sacrifices to do what I wanna do. - Ronnie Coleman
Time between sets should be short and just long enough so that you are sufficiently recovered to hit the next set hard. - Ronnie Coleman
The next thing I would have to go with is diet because it is so hard and mentally tough. By comparison the training is the easiest of them all because it's my hobby as well as my job. - Ronnie Coleman
Perfecting your form and technique at early stages will go a long way. Don't compromise on the big lifts - deadlifts, squats, and bench-presses. - Ronnie Coleman
My supplements are similar to my training - I always commit to being a better version of myself. - Ronnie Coleman
Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body. - Arnold Schwarzenegger
I have nearly always trained alone and it is one of my weaknesses. Most of my training partners have been younger students who I have coached. - Greg Doucette
All my workouts revolve around the big 3 (squat, bench, and deadlifts) followed by exercises to make me pretty following the big three. This in my view capitalizes on the benefits of both forms of training. - Greg Doucette
1st science has evolved so athletes now know how to eat and train more effectively. 2nd there are more athletes training now then in the past and 3rd better competition leads to better performance. - Greg Doucette
It's kind of like a training ground, ... But I just have so much fun here. I can come here to learn new tricks during my summer, and I don't need a whole mountain for that. It's tight, fresh and new. This is the first place in the world to give the people who ride here exactly what they want. - Shaun White
The athlete who is building muscles though weight training should be very sure to work adequately on speed and flexibility at the same time. In combat, without the prior attributes, a strong man will be like the bull with its colossal strength futilely pursuing the matador or like a low-geared truck chasing a rabbit. - Bruce Lee
Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.