There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil. - Ayn Rand
Persuading them to join is not the problem, but separating the wheat from the chaff is harder. - Felix Dennis
The best thing about being immensely wealthy is not having to be in any particular place at any particular time doing a particular task you don't want to do. - Felix Dennis
There is never a time in a company's history when cost control can be relegated to the back burner, but for a startup company, keeping costs low is a vital necessity. - Felix Dennis
Time is the only thing we cannot replace, apart from our health and our lives. I resent wasting a moment of it. - Felix Dennis
When you come across real talent, it is sometimes worth allowing them to create the structure in which they choose to labor. In nine cases out of ten, by inviting them to take responsibility and control for a new venture, you will motivate them to do great things. - Felix Dennis
If you create a game that people want, and be honest with the people supporting it... you will find success. - Eric Barone
Just realize that it's normal to start hating your own work. In many ways, it's a good sign because it shows that you are improving. Even if you start hating what you are doing, finishing a project is a very good feeling and can keep you much more motivated in the long run. - Eric Barone
Looking back, I think the development was characterized by phases of insane productivity followed by phases where I hardly worked at all. - Eric Barone
You should be free to work yourself to the bone, but not to force someone else to do that for you. - Eric Barone
It's a wise man who understands that every day is a new beginning, because boy, how many mistakes do you make in a day? I don't know about you, but I make plenty. You can't turn the clock back, so you have to look ahead. - Mel Gibson
Yes, I am 100% anarchist. Anarchy, to me, is a belief that all transactions, all activity, should be voluntary. It is a peaceful philosophy of not forcing anyone to do anything and not allowing anyone else to force you to do anything. - Jeff Berwick
By its nature, governments and taxes are not voluntary. Government actions are violent and coercive, and theft as well. - Jeff Berwick
I can't believe people think they need permission to drive. Or permission to do anything. - Jeff Berwick
America really started to die when the Federal Reserve was founded, and it really started to die in 1971 when the gold backing was taken away from the dollar, and this currency with Ben Bernanke just printing up or counterfeiting as much money as he wants and destroying the economy is really destroying the economy. - Jeff Berwick
Anyone who wants to see a very free world does not want government. I also don't like being extorted or being aggressed against by others. - Jeff Berwick
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