Be wary of keyboard warriors who engage in disputes on matters in which they have no right to speak about due to their lack of knowledge. Yet, they will openly and recklessly make online comments and verdicts on matters even the learned are cautious about.
Clothing yourself with the best character is more appealing than clothing yourself with expensive labels.
Do not let your pain make you unkind. Nobody knows what the other person is going through. There is too much suffering in the world already.
Every test in life makes us bitter or better. Every problem comes to make us or break us. The choice is ours to become victims or victorious.
Hiding pain under a smile is not easy. It can be one of the hardest things to do. You do it when you care about others more than you do for yourself. But remember, a smile can hide so much.. fear, pain, sadness, tears. But they reflect one main thing. Strength!
Hiding pain under a smile is not easy. It can be one of the hardest things to do. You do it when you care about others more than you do for yourself. But remember, a smile can hide so much; anxiety, fear, pain, sadness, tears. But they reflect one main thing. Inner strength!
Humility is everything. No matter how successful, how good looking, how rich or how smart you are remember, nobody likes arrogance. Stay connected to people. Stay real. That is the hallmark of true success!
If your heart is always content, then you are the same as or even better than he who has everything in this world.
Insulting others is never a way of correcting them. Instead it causes more damage and proves that we need help ourselves.
Learn to listen. People just want to be heard. To feel that their voice matters. Give them a listening ear. Show them that in the chaos of this world, someone is concerned and can empathize with them, free from judgment. Be that person for someone. Show your ability to care!
Let us admit that we all need love, kindness and care to get through that tough week, the grey skies and storm clouds in life. For the times when things go wrong, when we feel lost, when everyone else appears to be doing well, know that any act of goodness goes a long way.
Life is not guaranteed at all but death is absolutely guaranteed upon all, yet we still prepare for life more than death.
Many of us are stressed because we are in a hurry. We have this mental schedule which must be achieved by a certain time; get a degree, a good job, get married, have kids. We get upset when the schedule is out of sync. Trust that what He has decreed for you will be yours!
Many people make the mistake thinking that a confident person is the one who is better than everyone else. That is far from the truth. Confidence isn't strutting into a room thinking you're better than everyone else; it's walking in not having to compare yourself to anyone.
Never utter mean words out of anger. Your anger will pass. But your mean words can scar a person for life. So use kind words or be silent.
Remember, attitude is everything. You have a choice daily as to how you react to things. The bulk of what happens during the course of your day depends largely on your reaction. Have a positive attitude and see how your morale increases and things get better! Choose right!
Take a break from social media periodically. Reconnect with the real world. Plug in to real people and places around you. Find time to actually see someone in person instead of sending them a message online. Connections with family and friends are more meaningful face to face!
The truth is nobody is born a racist. You have to be taught. Are we dealing with racism, bigotry and prejudice in our own lives so that we can be examples to our children and those under our charge? Do we reject someone only because of his skin colour? Time for reflection!
Thinking of death will help you prepare for that meeting with your Creator. It will help you reflect on how you will appear before Him. Full of regret and shame or with a deep sense of happiness for having been dutiful. The choice is yours. Don't let this world trick you.
Ultimately, even the greatest of deeds can be of no benefit if the hearts are sick; if the hearts are corrupt; if the hearts are laced with envy, pride, jealousy, hatred etc. So pay great attention to the state of your heart because everything you do flows from it!
We all get hurt. We all have wounds, but you cannot let that be an excuse to just sit around and do nothing. Remember, pain is part of life. Your emotional wounds strengthen you because they show you have lived a purposeful life.
We live in a strange world where the poor walk miles to get food, and the rich walk miles to digest food.
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