Each person is living for himself; his own happiness is all he can ever personally feel. - Harry Browne
For those looking for security, be forewarned that there's nothing more insecure than a political promise. - Harry Browne
Forcing people to be generous isn't humanitarian, effective, compassionate or moral. Only acts that are truly voluntary for all concerned can be truly compassionate. - Harry Browne
Government cripples you, then hands you a crutch and says, 'See, if it wasn't for us, you couldn't walk.' - Harry Browne
If younger people see older people who haven't planned ahead and have to rely on charity, the young will be more likely to provide for the future. Today when someone plans poorly, the only consequence people see is a demand for more government. - Harry Browne
I'm sorry that I can't snap my fingers and undo 50 years of bad American foreign policy. - Harry Browne
In almost all matters, the real question should be: why are we letting government handle this? - Harry Browne
It has long been apparent that many people in the media don't believe you're competent to make your own decisions. - Harry Browne
Libertarians know that a free country has nothing to fear from anyone coming in or going out - while a welfare state is scared to death of poor people coming in and rich people getting out. - Harry Browne
Libertarians understand a very simple fact of life: Government doesn't work. It can't deliver the mail on time, it doesn't keep our cities safe, it doesn't educate our children properly. - Harry Browne
Like many people, most Libertarians feel empathy and sympathy for less fortunate people. But they know you can't have perfection in a world of limited resources. - Harry Browne
Security... it's simply the recognition that changes will take place and the knowledge that you're willing to deal with whatever happens. - Harry Browne
Since no one but you can know what's best for you, government control can't make your life better. - Harry Browne
The Bill of Rights isn't some legalistic fine print. It was written to make our lives freer, more prosperous, and happier. By forsaking it, America has become no better than any other country in the world. - Harry Browne
The Constitution isn't written in Chinese, Swahili or Sanskrit. It's in plain English. - Harry Browne
There was no military reason to drop atomic bombs on Japan. They were used as terrorist weapons - killing innocent people to influence other people. - Harry Browne
Voluntary association produces the free market - where each person can choose among a multitude of possibilities. - Harry Browne
What we really need is compassion of the mind - compassion for others that is directed intelligently and produces truly compassionate results. - Harry Browne
Whatever the issue, let freedom offer us a hundred choices, instead of having government force one answer on everyone. - Harry Browne
When people do things for you, it's because they want to - because you, in some way, give them something meaningful that makes them want to please you, not because anyone owes you anything. - Harry Browne
You can't give the government the power to do good without also giving it the power to do bad - in fact, to do anything it wants. - Harry Browne
You don't need an explanation for everything, Recognize that there are such things as miracles - events for which there are no ready explanations. Later knowledge may explain those events quite easily. - Harry Browne
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