The great secret possessed by the great men of all ages was their ability to contact and release the powers of their subconscious mind. You can do the same. - Joseph Murphy
The Law of Attraction attracts to you everything you need, according to the nature of your thought life. - Joseph Murphy
The law of your mind is the law of belief. This means to believe in the way your mind works, to believe in belief itself. - Joseph Murphy
The law of your mind is this: You will get a reaction or response from your subconscious mind according to the nature of the thought or idea you hold in your conscious mind. - Joseph Murphy
The process of all healing is a definite, positive, mental attitude, an inner attitude, or a way of thinking, called faith. Healing is due to a confident expectancy, which acts as a powerful suggestion to the subconscious mind releasing its healing potency. - Joseph Murphy
The secret of guidance or right action is to mentally devote yourself to the right answer, until you find its response in you. The response is a feeling, an inner awareness, and an overpowering hunch whereby you know that you know. - Joseph Murphy
The suggestions of others in themselves have absolutely no power whatever over you except the power that you give them through your own thoughts. You have to give your mental consent; you have to entertain the thought. Then, it becomes your thought, and you do the thinking. Remember, you have the capacity to choose. Choose life! Choose love! Choose health! - Joseph Murphy
The truth is you can acquire any quality you want by acting as though you already have it. - Joseph Murphy
The way to get rid of darkness is with light; the way to overcome cold is with heat; the way to overcome the negative thought is to substitute the good thought. Affirm the good, and the bad will vanish. - Joseph Murphy
There is only one Principle of Intelligence in this world; all that is really necessary is to say and believe, God is guiding me now, and there is only right action in my life. - Joseph Murphy
Think good, and good follows. Think evil, and evil follows. You are what you think all day long. - Joseph Murphy
Trying to accumulate wealth by the sweat of your brow and hard labor is one way to become the richest man in the graveyard. You do not have to strive or slave hard. - Joseph Murphy
What does success imply to you? You want undoubtedly to be successful in your relationship with others. You wish to be outstanding in your chosen work or profession. You wish to possess a beautiful home, and all the money you need to live comfortably and happily. You want to be successful in your prayers, and in your contact with the Universal Power within you. Imagine yourself doing the thing. - Joseph Murphy
Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true, your subconscious mind will accept and bring to pass. Believe in good fortune, divine guidance, right action, and all the blessings of life. - Joseph Murphy
When fear knocks at the door of your mind, or when worry, anxiety, and doubt cross your mind, behold your vision, your goal. Think of the infinite power within your subconscious mind, which can generate your thinking and imagining. This will give you confidence, power, and courage. Keep on, persevere, until the day breaks, and the shadows flee away. - Joseph Murphy
When you want wisdom as much as you wanted air when you were immersed in the water, you will receive it. - Joseph Murphy
When your blood is circulating freely, you are healthy. When money is circulating freely in your life, you are economically healthy. - Joseph Murphy
When your mind thinks correctly, when you understand the truth, when the thoughts deposited in your subconscious mind are constructive, harmonious, and peaceful, the magic working power of your subconscious will respond and bring about harmonious conditions, agreeable surroundings, and the best of everything. - Joseph Murphy
Whether the object of your faith is real or false, you will get results. Your subconscious mind responds to the thought in your mind. Look upon faith as a thought in your mind and that will suffice. - Joseph Murphy
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