It may be taken for granted that, rash as the Americans are, when they are prudent there is good reason for it. - Jules Verne
It must be, for there is a logic to everything on this earth and nothing is done without a reason, that God sometimes lets scientists discover. - Jules Verne
It seems wisest to assume the worst from the beginning...and let anything better come as a surprise. - Jules Verne
On the earth, even in the darkest night, the light never wholly abandons his rule. It is diffused and subtle, but little as may remain, the retina of the eye is sensible of it. - Jules Verne
On the surface of the ocean, men wage war and destroy each other; but down here, just a few feet beneath the surface, there is a calm and peace, unmolested by man. - Jules Verne
Reality provides us with facts so romantic that imagination itself could add nothing to them. - Jules Verne
Science, my lad, is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it is useful to make, because they lead little by little to the truth. - Jules Verne
There is the disadvantage of not knowing all languages," said Conseil, "or the disadvantage of not having one universal language. - Jules Verne
Travel enables us to enrich our lives with new experiences, to enjoy and to be educated, to learn respect for foreign cultures, to establish friendships, and above all to contribute to international cooperation and peace throughout the world. - Jules Verne
We are of opinion that instead of letting books grow moldy behind an iron grating, far from the vulgar gaze, it is better to let them wear out by being read. - Jules Verne
We now know most things that can be measured in this world, except the bounds of human ambition! - Jules Verne
Well, I feel that we should always put a little art into what we do. It's better that way. - Jules Verne
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