When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say. - George R. R. Martin
Why is it that when one man builds a wall, the next man immediately needs to know what's on the other side? - George R. R. Martin
You always try to do your own thing. One of the things I wanted to do was to write a book that combines some of the best traits of contemporary fantasy with some of the traits of the historical novel. - George R. R. Martin
You can have the power to destroy, but it doesn't give you the power to reform, or improve, or build. - George R. R. Martin
You want people to be eager for your book; the downside is when the people forget the series even exists. - George R. R. Martin
Disney would have ruined this movie and, please, say that in the articles. They would have ruined this picture because they don't know how to make, and don't want to make, funny movies for adults. - Rob Schneider
First of all, weren't all the best beatings in the trailer for 'The Passion of the Christ'? I hate when the trailer gives away all the best stuff. - Rob Schneider
I try not to worry about what that's going to look like. If you worry about looking stupid, that's when you look really stupid. - Rob Schneider
In theory, drug ads could provide some important information to consumers. But as a practical matter, that's not what they do. They promote new drugs. They promote more expensive brand name drugs. - Rob Schneider
Much of what the industry is proposing is already law, such as producing ads that aren't misleading. What we clearly need is more authority and resources to ensure that all marketing, not just the amount spent on direct-to-consumer advertising, is honest and accurate. - Rob Schneider
Without a way to legally enforce these guidelines under law, it's a good bet that the drug industry will continue giving short shrift to side effects and safety concerns in its advertising. Congress needs to act to ensure consumers and doctors know about all the potential safety problems with a drug, and not just the pretty picture industry wants to paint. - Rob Schneider
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