Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. - Henry Ford
Mistakes will be an absolute in life, just try to not repeat them. It's just that simple! - Bobby Castro
Defend your non refundable minutes now! You are your habits and your habits are you. Create the consistent habits now to create and outcome that you will never regret and only be thankful for! All my hard earned efforts is now rewarding me with unthinkable outcomes. There is no reason you too can’t achieve true ultimate financial freedom. Don’t get distracted, do the work now! - Bobby Castro
I can not stress enough the power of having people skills and leveraging the right relationships. - Bobby Castro
Something I learned early on. Your surroundings and environment are everything! Always be about value! - Bobby Castro
Something that has helped me create wealth and still does to this day is to stay away and ignore individuals that gossip about others. Very important! Watch how you invest your Non-Refundable Minutes!! - Bobby Castro
Don’t ignore duplication and modeling!! Small efforts over long periods of time.. creates wealth!! I know it sounds boring and hard.. However, how bad do you want it?? - Bobby Castro
This is all from the bottom of my heart with full first hand personal experience and more so all hard ass work!! Constant effort!! No distractions!! No Bla-Bla-Bla!!! Stop wasting time!!! Massive Urgent Action!!! You are the best investment with the best absolute return!! Attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Bobby Castro
Do something - anything!!! vs nothing!!! I can’t stress enough.... simply being passive and just thinking something is going to happen and appear is called drowning yourself... wake up!!! Start attacking!!! - Bobby Castro
Nothing but good intention with an open heart for others to succeed. Disconnect from all the distractions and start making massive change!! Everything!! Routines, habits, commitment, accountability and more so responsibility. - Bobby Castro
My goal is to high five another human being with good intentions. Don’t faulter and be a victim of knowing it all, being arrogant, being negative, being a gossiper, being complicated, not being open, not willing to change, reacting vs listening, being disrespectful to others, criticizing others and so on. - Bobby Castro
Character is everything and it will expose you to opportunities somehow - someway. Just think of it this way.... it’s your opportunity card in life!! Don’t ignore the power of Character!! - Bobby Castro
Results get attention!! Be about Value and more so don’t invest your Non-Refundable Minutes complaining or moaning and say to yourself... I need to adjust my mindset, habits, routines, surroundings, environments and attitude. Stop getting distracted and then wondering why you are NOT getting promoted, getting paid enough, saving more and just STUCK. Be about CHANGE!! Everything keeps Changing why not YOU? Attack!!!!!!!!!! - Bobby Castro
Finding global success in life is extremely easy, however extremely hard for most. Why? Most ignore the fact that life does not stop and it keeps moving unless you move with it and adapt with it you’re never going to be able to work with it. The sooner you surrender to constant change the sooner you will find global success. It has rewarded me beyond belief and I constantly and consistently receive dividends from this simple mindset of growth. - Bobby Castro
If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from that person's angle as well as from your own. - Henry Ford
The way to learn to do things is to do things. The way to learn a trade is to work at it. Success teaches how to succeed. Begin with the determination to succeed, and the work is half done already. - Henry Ford
A business absolutely devoted to service will have only one worry about profits. They will be embarrassingly large. - Henry Ford
Wealth, like happiness, is never attained when sought after directly. It comes as a by-product of providing a useful service. - Henry Ford