It is only by understanding the emotion of others that an investor has a chance to produce superior results. - John Templeton
Let’s worship Divinity, but understand the divinity we worship is beyond our comprehension. - John Templeton
Living life with a smile is like throwing yeast into a bowl of flour, adding warm water and waiting for the flour to rise. It multiplies may times over. - John Templeton
My ethical principal in the first place was – where could I use my talents that God gave me to help the most people? - John Templeton
Outperforming the majority of investors requires doing what they are not doing. Buying when others have despaired, and selling when they are full of hope, takes fortitude. - John Templeton
Suppose you went to your priest and asked for help; he would refer you to the Bible. But if you went the next day to your medical doctor and he referred you to the book of Hippocrates, which was written at about the same time as the Bible, you would think that was old-fashioned. - John Templeton
Surprising and interesting things happen to those who keep their eyes and their minds open and alert! - John Templeton
Tell your readers to use it or lose it. If you don’t use your muscles, they get weak. If you don’t use your mind it begins to fail. - John Templeton
The air we breathe is necessary to keep us alive, but we must continually breathe it out so we can breathe fresh air back into our lungs. God gives us his love, which we can keep in action by breathing it out to others, thus making room in our hearts for a fresh supply of love. - John Templeton
The correct description is that we try every day to become more humble when we talk about divinity, we try to realize how little we know and how open minded we should be. It’s self centered to think that human beings, as limited as we are, can describe divinity. - John Templeton
The four most expensive words in the English language are, ‘This time it’s different.’ - John Templeton
The idea that an individual can find God is terribly self-centered. It is like a wave thinking it can find the sea. - John Templeton
The main focus in my life now is to open people’s minds so no one will be so conceited that they think they have the total truth. They should be eager to learn, to listen, to research and not to confine, to hurt, to kill, those who disagree with them. - John Templeton
The objective of our religious foundations is to teach people that they are hurting themselves when they say they believe something. What we should realize is we know almost nothing about God and therefore we should be eager to search and to learn. - John Templeton
The only way to avoid mistakes is not to invest—which is the biggest mistake of all. - John Templeton
The opposite of humility is arrogance – the belief that we are wiser or better than others. Arrogance promotes separation rather than community. It looms like a brick wall between us and those from whom we could learn. - John Templeton
The other boys at Yale came from wealthy families, and none of them were investing outside the United States, and I thought, ‘That is very egotistical. Why be so shortsighted or near-sighted as to focus only on America? Shouldn’t you be more open-minded?’ - John Templeton