The universe knows the perfect timing for all those things you want and will find, through the crack of least resistance, the best way to deliver it to you. - Esther Hicks
The American Beauty Rose can be produced in the splendor and fragrance which bring cheer to its beholder only by sacrificing the early buds which grow up around it. This is not an evil tendency in business. It is merely the working-out of a law of nature and a law of God.
It is very important to remember what other people tell you, not so much what you yourself already know.
The road to happiness lies in two simple principles; find what it is that interests you and that you can do well, and when you find it put your whole soul into it every bit of energy and ambition and natural ability you have.
I believe in the dignity of labor, whether with head or hand; that the world owes no man a living, but that it owes every man an opportunity to make a living.
It is one thing to stand on the comfortable ground of placid inaction and put forth words of cynical wisdom, and another to plunge into the work itself and through strenuous experience earn the right to express strong conclusions.
The only thing which is of lasting benefit to a man is that which he does for himself. Money which comes to him without effort on his part is seldom a benefit and often a curse.
I believe that it is my duty to make money and use it for the benefit of my neighbors. This is what my conscience tells me.
I believe it is a religious duty to get all the money you can, fairly and honestly; to keep all you can, and to give away all you can.
Everything is one. Everything comes from a single source. And this is how we are connected. - Max Igan