For when people get caught up with that which is right and they are willing to sacrifice for it, there is no stopping point short of victory. - Martin Luther King Jr
Use your success, wealth, and influence to put them in the best position to realize their own dreams and find their true purpose. - Kobe Bryant
We all can be masters at our craft, but you have to make a choice. What I mean by that is, there are inherent sacrifices that come along with that. Family time, hanging out with friends, being a great friend, being a great son, nephew, whatever the case may be. There are sacrifices that come along with making that decision. - Kobe Bryant
When we are saying this cannot be accomplished, this cannot be done, then we are short-changing ourselves. My brain, it cannot process failure. It will not process failure. Because if I have to sit there and face myself and tell myself 'you are a failure,' I think that is almost worse than dying. - Kobe Bryant
When you make a choice and say, 'Come hell or high water, I am going to be this,' then you should not be surprised when you are that. It should not be something that is intoxicating or out of character because you have seen this moment for so long that ... when that moment comes, of course it is here because it has been here the whole time, because it has been [in your mind] the whole time. - Kobe Bryant
A truly free society is based on a vision of respect for people and what they value, - Charles G. Koch
I believe my business and non-profit investments are much more beneficial to societal well-being than sending more money to Washington. - Charles G. Koch
Allowing people the freedom to pursue their own interests, within beneficial rules of just conduct, is the best and only sustainable way to promote societal progress. - Charles G. Koch
As an engineer, I understood that the natural world operated according to fixed laws. Through my studies, I came to realize that there were, likewise, laws that govern human wellbeing. It seemed to me that these laws are fundamental not only to the wellbeing of societies, but also to the miniature societies of organizations. Indeed, that is what we found when we began to apply these principles systematically at Koch Industries. Through our observation of how they could create prosperity in an organization, I began to systematize my beliefs into Market-Based Management. - Charles G. Koch
But it [crony capitalism] erodes our overall standard of living and stifles entrepreneurs by rewarding the politically favoured rather than those who provide what consumers want. - Charles G. Koch
Citizens who over-rely on their government to do everything not only become dependent on their government, they end up having to do whatever the government demands. In the meantime, their initiative and self-respect are destroyed. - Charles G. Koch
Embrace change. Envision what could be, challenge the status quo, and drive creative destruction. - Charles G. Koch
Far too many businesses have been all too eager to lobby for maintaining and increasing subsidies and mandates paid by taxpayers and consumers. - Charles G. Koch
For business to survive and prosper, it must create real long-term value in society through principled behaviour. - Charles G. Koch
I am convinced the combination of our market based philosophy and how we practice it has been the primary source of our success. - Charles G. Koch
I believe that cronyism is nothing more than welfare for the rich and powerful, and should be abolished. - Charles G. Koch
I developed two strong passions. The first was to help build a great company. The second was to identify and understand the principles that lead to prosperity and societal progress. After studying history, economics, philosophy, science psychology and other disciplines, I concluded that the two passions were strongly, indeed intimately related. - Charles G. Koch
I studied what principles under-laid peace and prosperity and concluded the only way to achieve societal well-being was through a system of economic freedom. - Charles G. Koch
I want my legacy to be greater freedom, greater prosperity and a better way of life for my family, our employees and all Americans. And I wish the same for every nation on earth. - Charles G. Koch
In general, an asset should be sold when it has greater value to a buyer. This happens when a buyer has a complimentary business or capability that would enable them to do more with that business. Many businesses we have exited were not failures, but had simply reached a point in their life cycle where they no longer provided a core capability or served as a platform for growth. - Charles G. Koch
Just as central planning is a failure in running government, so it is at the level of the firm. - Charles G. Koch
Koch companies employ 60,000 Americans, who make many thousands of products that Americans want and need. - Charles G. Koch
Many businesses with unpopular products or inefficient production find it much easier to curry the favour of a few influential politicians or a government agency than to compete in the open market. - Charles G. Koch
My father, who co-founded the company that would become Koch Industries. He exemplified much of what is centrally important to us: the value of hard work, integrity, humility and a lifelong dedication to learning. - Charles G. Koch