To be renewed is everything. What more could one ask for than to have one's youth back again? - George Lucas
It's nice for a woman to go out and have her own money and her own ability to do what she wants. - Goldie Hawn
It's wonderful to know you're aging, because that means you're still on the planet, right? - Goldie Hawn
It's wonderful to move forward technologically, but we cannot forget that we are human beings who thrive on relationships, who thrive on interconnectivity, who thrive on sharing your feelings and emotions. - Goldie Hawn
I've been practicing Buddhism for a while. So, I call myself a Jew-Bu, because my tribe is still Jew. But my philosophy and my practice is really Buddhist. - Goldie Hawn
I've been practicing modalities of Eastern philosophy since about 1972. What I've learned through my meditation is a sense of equanimity, a sense of all things being equal. - Goldie Hawn
'Liberation' is an interesting word because you can be liberated from external things and also from your internal dialogue. - Goldie Hawn
Listening is huge. Learn to listen. And it's hard: relationships are not easy; most of them don't last. I mean, when you look at what's really going on. So every day is a choice, and sense of freedom is important. - Goldie Hawn
Love is something in the heart and in the mind, so why would you chastise anyone for that? And this is something that I feel very strongly about. - Goldie Hawn
Men are different than women, and men live with - with some very difficult obstacles. I mean, a man, basically, in his true nature, is to spread his seed, and a woman is a gatherer, and that's kind of the way we're - our limbic system is set up, you know. - Goldie Hawn
Moms and dads don't last forever. If you've got unfinished business, we need to face that, and that's not easy. Every child wants to love their mother and their father. Love is the most important thing, and when they feel rejected and unloved, that hole can never be filled by anyone else. - Goldie Hawn
My eyes are too big, my nose is too flat, my ears stick out, my mouth is too big and my face is too small... my body is thin as a clarinet and my ankles are so skinny that I wear two pairs of bobby socks because I don't want people to see how thin they are. - Goldie Hawn
My mother was the kind of person who was very much part of her tribe and very much a satellite of her tribe. She was the girl who left her family at the age of 17 and went to Washington. My mother was orphaned at three and then was brought up by my aunt Goldie. So, yes she belonged, but there was a part of her that didn't. - Goldie Hawn
My parents always supported me, but I was put to task. My father thought when I sang, I was sharp; my mother was upset when I wasn't in the first line at recitals. - Goldie Hawn
No relationship is easy, and nobody should ever think it is. The minute you start forgetting the needs of the other person is when you get in trouble. - Goldie Hawn
Not every relationship works, and that is the truth, and I don't care whether you're a movie star or just a person on the street, normal life. Everybody's normal, relationships are always normal. I think movie stars have a little bit harder time because the cameras are on there all the time. But you have to be who you are. - Goldie Hawn
Oftentimes, actors are looked at as court jesters. They are not looked at as deep-thinking, smart people who do many other things or have gifts in other areas. - Goldie Hawn